We’ve got a question for you

We’ve got a question for you

We want to know why our customers are more inclined to attend a valuation day to get their items appraised rather than booking a house call or an individual appointment at the auction house.

So, let us know.

Any day of the week, our auction houses are open to value your items or even if you want us to come to your house, we’re happy to do that too.

We tend to do as many as six house calls and the same number of walk-ins each day, but we have the capacity to do more and we’re keen to do so.

As at the moment, our valuation days are far more popular, usually with queues going out the door with potential clients looking to have their items appraised and people could be waiting up to an hour before speaking to an expert.

We love putting these events on and meeting all of you, but we’re just genuinely curious and wanted to pose the question as to why this is often people’s preference.

If it’s because you don’t like the idea of inviting someonearound to your house who you don’t know very well, then that’s completely understandable, or do you find coming down to the auction house a little intimidating? No problem.

We just want to dispel any fears or concerns you might have, so here are some of the benefits of booking a house call or an appointment at the auction house:

For starters, it’s more convenient. At your house we come to you and at the auction house, you pick the time slot so you know you won’t be waiting around.

Beforehand, you can even send us pictures of the items you want valued on Whatsapp and we’ll give you a rough idea whether it’s worth bringing down so you don’t end up wasting your time.

And don’t worry, if you decide after valuation that you no longer want to put your items up for auction, there’s no obligation on your end.

All of our valuations are free of charge and while we hope that afterwards you will consign some or all of what you have brought down to be sold at auction, we understand that some things hold sentimental value and people change their minds about whether they are ready to part with them.

Or you might just be curious how much something is worth but then decide you don’t want to sell, that’s not an issue.

But if you’re concerned about wasting our time with a house call, which is something we’ve heard on a number of occasions, then you need not worry.

We’re more than happy to come round and in fact, it’s often better, because while you may call us over to value certainitems, what regularly happens is we’ll notice something else in the house that would be perfect for auction and the client had never even realised.

And if you decide to come down to the auction house, don’t be shy about the number of items you’re bringing, we’ve had people turn up with cars full before and we’ll go through all of it.

Ultimately, we just want to raise awareness that house calls and private appointments at our auction houses are an option.

That’s not to say we’re going to get rid of the valuation days, so for those of you who enjoy a day out and like that it feels as if you’re on antiques roadshow, fear not, we’re staying put. If 

To book your valuation, you can do so here: https://www.windsorauctions.co.uk/valuation-and-appraisal/or for a house call, click this link: https://www.windsorauctions.co.uk/house-clearance/.

As for our next valuation day, it will be taking place on Thursday March 14 at Community Room, The Pavilion, Broomhall Lane, Sunningdale, Berkshire SL5 0QS.