Windsor Auctions Launch A Monthly General Sale

Having very successfully, over the last six years, grown our Antiques and Collectables sale we were delighted to start an extra sale each month from the middle of October.

Our first General Sale which saw all sorts of furniture and other household odds and ends selling to a small but dedicated audience, and the night was a happy success.

2016-10-12-22-02-49-1 However post auction sales saw the sale prove to pass expectations and we will now be looking forward to another sale on the 16th November, the sale starts at 6pm and viewing is all day.

Why was this expansion in sales possible? Well it was all thanks to our final premises move. Having been in two other premises on the Vansittart Estate this year we are now settled for a long stay at unit 18B.

Slightly tongue in cheek we do say if you cannot find us, look for the sign, we promise it is on the wall. Or if you go to our old premises……we are behind you!
